Embodied | Telos | September 24

Sermon by Ant Frederick on September 24, 2023.

Oversimplified narratives about our bodies surround us. Through conversations and airwaves, we are constantly told what we should pursue with our bodies, how we should think about them, and what dangers follow disagreement with the cultural ethos of desire, gender, sexuality, and marriage.

But these messages skip over some very essential questions–questions like: what is your body, exactly? What is your body for? Who created it, and with what purpose? What is the eternal destiny of our bodies, and how does that inform what we do on a normal week? 

Join us for an eight-week series unpacking God’s plan for the human body–a majestic story from beginning to end.

10 Years of Faithfulness | A People Who Teach Them Diligently | September 17

Sermon by Ant Frederick on September 17, 2023.

Over these 10 years, God has continued to grow the number of children and students in our church.  It is important that, as a church, we diligently teach our children about the Lord.  Today, we are inviting our children to worship in the room with us as our special guests.  We'll tell them about Christ, sing the songs they sing in Kidtown with them, and celebrate how God is developing them.

10 Years of Faithfulness | A People of Generosity | September 10

Sermon by Ant Frederick on September 10, 2023.

Over these 10 years, God has continued to grow the number of children and students in our church.  It is important that, as a church, we diligently teach our children about the Lord.  Today, we are inviting our children to worship in the room with us as our special guests.  We'll tell them about Christ, sing the songs they sing in Kidtown with them, and celebrate how God is developing them.

10 Years of Faithfulness | A People Who Honor | September 3

Sermon by Ant Frederick on September 3, 2023.

The bible tells us to give honor to those that are worthy of it.  It is a beautiful and rewarding thing to be a part of a family where brothers and sisters are committed to honoring each other.  Let's make the next 10 years a time where we don't hesitate to faithfully honor each other.

10 Years of Faithfulness | A People Of God's Mission | August 27

Sermon by Ant Frederick on August 27, 2023.

We have sacrificed a lot to join God in His mission to seek and save the lost.  He calls us to take up our cross and follow Him along the difficult path of being on His Mission with Him.  One of the things that reminds us that it is always worth it is when we witness Him bring lost people from death to life, in Him.  What a blessing it is to celebrate His salvation through the baptism of new believers!

10 Years of Faithfulness | A People Of God's Love | August 20

Sermon by Ant Frederick on August 20, 2023.

We are a people that have been transformed by God's love and devoted to sharing that love to each other as a family.  Being a family is often difficult.  There are often misunderstandings, awkward moments, and hurt that we experience, but there is also encouragement, growth, transformation, and healing to be found in God's family of love.  God has blessed us with these and much more as we live as the people of love that He's made us to be.

10 Years of Faithfulness | People of the Pages | August 13

Sermon by Ant Frederick on August 13, 2023.

From the beginning we have simply asked the questions, "What does the bible say?" and "How do we live that out?"  Being Jesus-Centered means we need to be a people of the pages - a people that are doers of His Word and not just hearers of His Word.  We've sought to apply that to every ministry in our church, and will continue do so for years to come.

Jesus & the Bully | August 6

Sermon by Ant Frederick on August 6, 2023.

This week we look at Luke 19:1-10 where we meet Zacchaeus, a man who made himself rich by taking advantage of others. So what happens when he encounters King Jesus? And what does Jesus have to say to us through a story like this?

Jesus & the Jealous | July 30

Sermon by Brandon Clements on July 30, 2023.

This week we look at Matthew 19:27-20:16, where Peter essentially asks Jesus, “Is following you truly worth it?” This is a question we may have asked at some point in our journey of faith. We can easily play the comparison game, or we go through a season of suffering, or life doesn’t turn out how we thought it would. So what does Jesus have to say to us?

Jesus & the Desperate | July 23

Sermon by Ant Frederick on July 23, 2023.

This week we look at Luke 5:17-24 where Jesus meets a paralyzed man, who was lowered down through a ceiling so he can come face to face with Jesus. So how does Jesus interact with him, and how does Jesus meet us in our desperation?

Jesus & the Little Ones | July 9

Sermon by Jake Blair on July 9, 2023.

This week we look at Luke 18:15-17, where Jesus encounters little children. The disciples meet the children as though they’re an obstacle to Jesus’ mission, but Jesus says the Kingdom belongs to them. So what does Jesus mean by that, and what does that mean for us?

Jesus & the Hurting | June 25

Sermon by Ant Frederick on June 25, 2023.

This week we look at Luke 11 and how Jesus interacts with Mary & Martha after the death of their brother Lazarus. What does it look like to go to God in our pain? And what does Jesus have to say to us through a story like this?

Colossians | Steadfast Prayer | June 11

Sermon by Ant Frederick on June 11, 2023.

As Paul concludes his letter, he focuses on prayer. Far from being a last-minute add-on, prayer is critical in seeing Heaven come down to Earth. Prayer draws us into the heart of God and sends us out in the power of God.



“How Does God Answer Prayer for Others?” by Tyler Staton (13 minutes). When we pray for others, what happens to us? Check out this video (and honestly, this whole series is awesome and worth your time.)

“Paradise Now” by Tim Mackie (50 minutes). From the 24-7 Prayer USA Conference, The Bible Project’s Tim Mackie talks about entering this Heaven and Earth reality when we step into prayer.


“The Power of Persistent Prayer” from Midtown Fellowship (30 minutes) This was from our Acts sermon series in 2022. (Personally, I’m a fan of whenever we can mention Dwayne the Rock Johnson as an example.)

“The Practice of Prayer” from Midtown Fellowship (38 minutes) Fom our 2020 series based on the Sermon on the Mount, “The Way of Jesus.”


“Abide” from Following Jesus Together. For some practical steps on prayer, including blogs and videos, check out our Abide page and practices like “Lectio Divina” and “Examen Prayer.”

“Persevere in Prayer!” from Desiring God (5 minutes) John Piper unpacks Colossians 4:2-6 and offers five guidelines for prayer.

A Praying Life by Paul Miller IMO, this is one of the best books of prayer in the last ten or so years.

Colossians | Work, Slavery, and Power Dynamics | June 4

Sermon by Ant Frederick on June 4, 2023.

In chapter 3, Paul spoke about how Jesus impacts our lives and homes. This week Paul pivots into what this means for the social structures of the day and what that means for us.



"Does the Bible Support Slavery?" from The Gospel Coalition (1 hour) Dr. Peter Williams (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) argues, based on the standard definition of slavery, no. "To make his argument, he examines the key Old Testament and New Testament texts said to support slavery. Along the way, he looks at the biblical words commonly associated with slavery and how their translation has changed over time. He also looks at the logic of the Old Testament world and the way ancient societies were structured quite differently from ours."


Precious in His Sight sermon series by Midtown Fellowship. In our sermon, we explored the power dynamics at play in Roman culture and how Jesus speaks into those dynamics. And while our context looks different than Rome, we want to equip each other to understand better our nation's history and how to navigate such issues.

Work sermon series by Midtown Fellowship. We can put love into our work without necessarily loving our work. Check out our sermon series from 2019 to learn more.


Garden City by John Mark Comer. "Does God care where I work?" "Does he have a clear direction for me?" "How can I create a practice of rest?" Check out this book on work to learn more.

How Then Should We Work? by Hugh Whelchel. This book covers topics like the difference between work, vocation, and calling as a Christian, the history of the Christian view on work, the call to "reweave shalom" through your job, how to live a life of deep significance, and more.

Resources on Race by Midtown Fellowship. "As followers of Jesus, we stand up for righteousness, truth, justice, and love - because those things are definitive of life in the Kingdom of Heaven…In the list of resources, we've also included links to organizations and opportunities for you to take further steps to stand up for justice and love." 

Colossians | Getting Heaven Into the Home | May 28

Sermon by Jake Blair on May 28, 2023.

Last week we discussed how to get Heaven into us. This week we look at Colossians 3:18-21 and ask, “How can we get Heaven into our families?” Paul does this by explicitly addressing the family breakdowns in Rome. So what are the family breakdowns in our time and place, and how can we push back against them?



Parenting Resources from Midtown Fellowship There are a million voices and blogs telling you what to do and not do as a parent. So we created and pooled together some of the best parenting content to help!

“Marriage: Forgiving and Forbearing” from Desiring God (53 minutes) Colossians speaks to the importance of marriage. Ephesians 5 is also a great text in the New Testament, further unpacking that. In this sermon, John Piper speaks to how marriage is a pointer to the work of Jesus.


“How do I Not Provoke My Children?” from Desiring God (12 minutes) Colossians 3:21 warns against fathers provoking children. But what could that look like?

”Family of God” from The Bible Project A podcast series on the biblical theme of family from Dr. Tim Mackie and Jon Collins. Enjoy!

The Family of God sermon series from Midtown Fellowship How we love our neighbor reflects our love for God and how we love God manifests itself in how we love our neighbor. And the reality is, while our “neighbor” encompasses everyone, it most immediately applies to who we share a home with and see daily. Check out our sermons from 2021 as we unpack this more.


Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley “Discover simple habits and easy-to-implement daily rhythms that will help you find meaning beyond the chaos of family life as you create a home where kids and parents alike practice how to love God and each other.”

Family Worship by Donald Whitney “Gathering together for worship is an indispensable part of your family’s spiritual life. It is a means for God to reveal himself to you and your loved ones in a powerful way.”

Colossians | Getting Heaven Into Us | May 21

Sermon by Ant Frederick on May 21, 2023.

Last week we talked about the mortification of sin. This week in Colossians 3:12-17, Paul talks about vivification, learning to become people of forgiveness, love, and gratitude. This sounds like a great idea, but what does it look like to become these people in the day-to-day trenches of life?



“What Jesus Meant by Eternal Life” by The Bible Project (6 minutes) The call to “put on” Christ is a call to step more and more into the abundant life Jesus makes us available to us now. The Bible Project unpacks this more.

“What Happens When We Sing?” by Desiring God (1 hour) In Colossians 3, one way in which we let the “word of Christ dwell in us richly” is through singing together. In this sermon, John Piper presses into this idea and why singing is a crucial practice in our formation to Jesus.


“Gloria Furman on Eternal Outlook for Everyday Life” by The Gospel Coalition (49 minutes) ”Whatever you feel defines you, look at this in light of what you read in Colossians—that this life is not all there is. You know that. We all know that. God has put eternity in man’s heart. But we have to do the hard work of remembering that our life is hidden with Christ in God.”

“Matt Chandler on Worship” by The Gospel Coalition (48 minutes) In this sermon given to an audience of worship pastors, Matt Chandler speaks on the importance of worship in our lives.


Following Jesus Together - We created a website on spiritual practices to help us further “put on” Christ. Here you’ll find blogs and videos on how to abide with Jesus, confess sin, fast, and more.

“Living Together When Christ is All” by Desiring God (26 minutes)

Colossians | Put Off | May 14

Sermon by Ant Frederick on May 14, 2023.

Last week we discussed the cultural pressures facing the church. In Colossians 3:1-11, Paul instructs them to “put off” their old way of life, to “kill sin before it kills them.” So what sin lingers in our lives so we can put it to death and walk in the light?



“The Glory of Christ and Racial Unity” from Desiring God (45 minutes) What does Jesus’ death and resurrection have to do with racial unity? A lot actually. Here, John Piper unpacks how because of Jesus’ work, He is drawing all people to Himself.


“Saved From God’s Wrath” from The Bible Project (56 minutes) The Bible Project not only is the top-tier video resource, their podcasts are also pretty solid too. In this one, the gang covers how to think about the atonement.

“The Light Beyond the Light” from Desiring God (4 minutes) I love that title! In this quick podcast, John Piper unpacks what it means to be seated with Christ.


“The Incomparable Christ” from Reformed Theological Seminary (20 minutes) Once again, Dr. Ligon Duncan, president of RTS, teaches through the book of Colossians.


A couple of years ago, most of us learned to be pros at Zoom. The key phrase here is, “most of us.”