Sermon by Antony Frederick on March 1, 2015.
Worthy | Free Slaves
Sermon by Antony Frederick on February 22, 2015.
Worthy | The Jealous One
Sermon by Antony Frederick on February 15, 2015.
Worthy | What Worships Creates
Sermon by Antony Frederick on February 8, 2015.
Membership Matters
Sermon by Antony Frederick on February 1, 2015.
Worthy | Unworthy
Sermon by Adam Gibson on January 25, 2015.
Worthy | The Worthiness of God
Sermon by Antony Frederick on January 18, 2015.
Worthy | Created to Worship
Sermon by Antony Frederick on January 11, 2015.
|giv| The Holy First Born
Sermon by Antony Frederick on December 14, 2014
|giv| The King's Lowly Entourage
Sermon by Blake Comer on December 7, 2014.
#Ferguson, Race, & the Gospel
Sermon by Antony Frederick on November 30, 2014.
Luke : When Jesus is Scary | Unsettling Grace
Sermon by Antony Frederick on November 16, 2014
Luke : When Jesus is Scary | Jesus & Our Dreams
Sermon by Antony Frederick on November 9, 2014.
Luke : When Jesus is Scary | Scarier than Disease, Death & Storms
Sermon by Antony Frederick on November 2, 2014.
Luke : When Jesus is Scary | Jesus & the Demonic (with Q&A)
Sermon by Chet Phillips on October 26, 2014.
Luke : The People Around Jesus | Am I In?
Sermon by Antony Frederick on October 19, 2014.
Luke : The People Around Jesus | Love & Judgement
Sermon by Antony Frederick on October 12, 2014.
Luke : The People Around Jesus | Upside-Down Relationships
Sermon by Antony Frederick on October 5, 2014.
Luke : The People Around Jesus | Upside-Down Values
Sermon by Blake Comer on September 28, 2014.
Luke : The People Around Jesus | Our Deepest Need
Sermon by Antony Frederick on September 21, 2014.