
Known and Loved

“Known and loved.” That’s a powerful phrase. 

At some level, all of us are looking for places in life where we feel known and loved. Some of us have that, and some of us don’t. Others of us are looking for that in family, romance, friendships, or any number of things - and have felt hurt or betrayed in the process. 

And yet, the beauty of Scripture says this is what Jesus offers us when we follow Him.

For this series, we’ll spend three weeks looking at how Scripture calls us to be known and loved by God, known and loved by each other, and making Jesus’ love known to our neighbors.

To help facilitate LifeGroup discussion, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series.

Week 1: Known and Loved by God

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 2: Known and Loved by Others (1 John 4:7-12)

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 3: Knowing and Loving Our Neighbors (2 Corinthians 5:14-20)

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Stand-Alone 2018 | Lessons From Church Planting


By 325 A.D. Christianity had spread like crazy. Scholars say over half of the Roman Empire had become Christian. Kenneth Scott Latourette, a history professor at Yale, said:

“Never in so short a time has any other religious faith—or for that matter any other set of ideas, religious, political or economic— ever achieved so commanding a position in such an important culture without the aid of physical force, or social or cultural prestige.”

It all started with twelve guys on a hillside with no power, no money, no celebrity endorsements —they just had an absolute conviction that Jesus had risen from the dead and a strange power poured into them called the gift of the Holy Spirit. The key was that every person, not just a handful of specialized apostles, carried the message wherever they went.

Now there are over 2 billion Christians across the world, but the work isn't done yet. Today we continue the mission of extending the Gospel to people of all ages, races, genders, backgrounds, economic statuses, and political affiliations. Join us as we see how our LifeGroups and church can grow from looking at the Lessons From Church Planting.



To help facilitate LifeGroup discussion, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series. Homelinks are a tool used to connect parents and their children by helping them review what's being taught on Sundays - we'll be posting one for each week of the series. 

Week 1: Athens (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)