Jesus &

Jesus & the Bully | August 6

Sermon by Ant Frederick on August 6, 2023.

This week we look at Luke 19:1-10 where we meet Zacchaeus, a man who made himself rich by taking advantage of others. So what happens when he encounters King Jesus? And what does Jesus have to say to us through a story like this?

Jesus & the Jealous | July 30

Sermon by Brandon Clements on July 30, 2023.

This week we look at Matthew 19:27-20:16, where Peter essentially asks Jesus, “Is following you truly worth it?” This is a question we may have asked at some point in our journey of faith. We can easily play the comparison game, or we go through a season of suffering, or life doesn’t turn out how we thought it would. So what does Jesus have to say to us?

Jesus & the Desperate | July 23

Sermon by Ant Frederick on July 23, 2023.

This week we look at Luke 5:17-24 where Jesus meets a paralyzed man, who was lowered down through a ceiling so he can come face to face with Jesus. So how does Jesus interact with him, and how does Jesus meet us in our desperation?

Jesus & the Little Ones | July 9

Sermon by Jake Blair on July 9, 2023.

This week we look at Luke 18:15-17, where Jesus encounters little children. The disciples meet the children as though they’re an obstacle to Jesus’ mission, but Jesus says the Kingdom belongs to them. So what does Jesus mean by that, and what does that mean for us?

Jesus & the Hurting | June 25

Sermon by Ant Frederick on June 25, 2023.

This week we look at Luke 11 and how Jesus interacts with Mary & Martha after the death of their brother Lazarus. What does it look like to go to God in our pain? And what does Jesus have to say to us through a story like this?