Teaching — Sermons | Midtown Fellowship: Two Notch


Year of Biblical Literacy | Wrapping up our Year of Biblical Literacy…for Now!


0:38 - Looking back, why did we want to do this year-long initiative?

1:48 - What have been your highlights for the year?

7:15 - What’s our hope for our church moving forward?

9:46 - Practically what does that look like?

Year of Biblical Literacy | Wrapping up our Year of Biblical Literacy…for Now!
Jake Blair & Lizzie Keegan

Year of Biblical Literacy | Reading Apocalyptic Literature and Revelation (Without Losing Our Minds!)


1:30 - How do we think about Revelation/apocalyptic literature?

4:08 - How do we begin to read Revelation/apocalyptic literature correctly?

8:20 - How do we understand the stranger imagery and ideas in Revelation?

9:27 - How are we to think about the end times?

12:40 - What about the “antichrist”?

16:27 - What about the “millennium” in Revelation 20?

Year of Biblical Literacy | Reading Apocalyptic Literature and Revelation (Without Losing Our Minds!
Jake Blair & Lizzie Keegan

midtown Resources

other resourceS


Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Wisdom sermon series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

How Long O LORD series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

The Psalms series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch 

The Gospels series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Hebrews series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Revelation series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | A Deep Dive on The New Testament Use of the Old Testament with Dr. Mitch Chase

For this episode, we interview Dr. Mitch Chase. Mitch Chase is the preaching pastor at Kosmosdale Baptist Church and an associate professor of biblical studies at SBTS in Louisville, Kentucky. He’s the author of Short of Glory and Hope for All the Earth. He is married to Stacie, and they have four boys. You can follow him on Twitter and at his Substack, called “Biblical Theology.”


2:10 - Introduction

3:36 - What were your initial impressions of the Bible?

7:48 - What resources helped you better understand the Bible?

10:10 - What does biblical theology mean?

15:49 - What’s the difference between systematic theology and biblical theology?

17:03 - How do I begin to see the interconnections in the Bible?

30:42 - If Scripture is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus, why should I bother with the Old Testament?

34:37 - How would you answer the objection, “The New Testament authors forced their ‘Jesus interpretation’ onto the Old Testament”?

41:49 - What does studying the Bible look like for you now?

45:40 - Where can people go to learn more from you?

47:52 - Being from Texas, where’s the best BBQ in Louisville?

Year of Biblical Literacy | A Deep Dive on The New Testament Use of the Old Testament with Dr. Chase
Jake Blair & Dr. Mitch Chase


midtown Resources

other resources mentioned


Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Wisdom sermon series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

How Long O LORD series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

The Psalms series Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch 

The Gospels series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Hebrews series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | A Deep Dive on The Gospels with Dr. Jonathan Pennington

For this episode, we interview Dr. Jonathan Pennington. Jonathan Pennington is associate professor of New Testament interpretation and director of research doctoral studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, as well as the associate pastor of preaching at Sojourn Church East. He is the author of The Sermon on the Mount and Human FlourishingHeaven and Earth in the Gospel of Matthew, and Reading the Gospels Wisely.


3:18 - What were your initial impressions of the Bible?

6:18 - How did you first learn to study the Bible?

9:56 - Why did you decide to pursue seminary and doctoral work?

14:15 - What drew you to write on the Sermon on the Mount?

17:49 - What are the common misconceptions of the Sermon on the Mount?

25:01 - What foundational things to know about the Gospels?

29:16 - Why did you write the book Come and See?

32:57 - Is the point of studying the Bible to put it into practice?

35:33 - What does studying the Bible look like for you now?

37:25 - What’s your favorite Taylor era?

Year of Biblical Literacy | A Deep Dive on The Gospels with Dr. Jonathan Pennington
Jake Blair & Dr. Jonathan Pennington


midtown Resources


Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Wisdom sermon series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

How Long O LORD series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

The Psalms series Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch 

The Gospels series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | The 400 Years of Silence


1:47 - What happened between the Old and New Testaments?

7:42 - How did the Jewish people interpret the Old Testament during those 400 years?

8:00 - The Pharisees

10:26 - The Sadducees

13:50 - The Essenes

15:39 - The Zealots

Year of Biblical Literacy | The 400 Years of Silence
Jake Blair & Michael Bailey

midtown Resources

OTHER Resources


Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Wisdom sermon series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

How Long O LORD series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

The Psalms series Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch 

The Gospels series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | Longing for the Kingdom - The Writings of the OT


0:44 - What do we mean when we say “The Writings” of the Old Testament?

2:22 - The Torah: the rise of the kingdom, The Prophets: the fall of the kingdom, The Writings: longing for the kingdom

6:25 - Breaking down each book in The Writings

7:30 - The Psalms

9:52 - Lamentations

10:25 - Daniel

13:31 - Esther

16:47 - Ezra-Nehemiah

17:37 - Chronicles

20:07 - Why do these books matter and what do they ultimately tell us?

Year of Biblical Literacy | Longing for the Kingdom - The Writings of the OT
Jake Blair & Michael Bailey

midtown Resources

OTHER Resources


Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Wisdom sermon series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

How Long O LORD series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

The Psalms series Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch 

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | Reading the Prophets


2:42 - What is the office of the prophet?

11:52 - What is the historical context of the prophetic books?

20:03 - How do we start when it comes to reading these books?

Year of Biblical Literacy | Reading the Prophets
Jake Blair & Michael Bailey

midtown Resources

OTHER Resources


Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Wisdom sermon series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

How Long O LORD series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | The Wisdom Books and Writings of the Old Testament


2:45 - What exactly is the Ketuviim?

7:00 - What is the Wisdom literature (in this case: Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs) all about?

14:23 - How should we read the Wisdom literature?

25:12 - So Song of Songs…what are we supposed to do with this book?

29:33 - How do these books connect to Jesus?

Year of Biblical Literacy | The Wisdom Books and Writings of the Old Testament
Jake Blair & Michael Bailey

midtown Resources

OTHER Resources


Ghosts and Ancestors: Torah Stories sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Wisdom sermon series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | The Historical Books and Former Prophets of the Old Testament


1:21 - What do we mean by the “history books” of the Old Testament?

11:28—What does Deuteronomy have to do with these books? And what is the overall message of the History/Former Prophets?

16:35 - How does the book of Joshua fit into the History/Former Prophets?

18:00 - How does the book of Judges fit into the History/Former Prophets?

20:25 - How does the book of Samuel fit into the History/Former Prophets?

23:38 - How does the book of Kings fit into the History/Former Prophets?

28:07 - Why do the History/Former Prophets matter within the scope of the Bible?

Year of Biblical Literacy | The Historical Books and Former Prophets of the Old Testament
Jake Blair & Michael Bailey



Ghosts and Ancestors: Torah Stories sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | A Deep Dive on Leviticus with Dr. Jay Sklar

For this episode, we interviewed Dr. Jay Sklar. Jay Sklar is vice president of academics and professor of Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary. He has written commentaries on Numbers and Exodus (forthcoming with Crossway), and two on Leviticus (TOTC and ZECOT). He has also published a website of resources to help those preaching or teaching in Genesis through Deuteronomy.


2:22 - What were your initial impressions of the Bible?

6:24 - Why did you decide to pursue doctoral work in the Old Testament?

9:08 - Why did you decide to specialize in Leviticus?

10:12 - How would you broadly summarize Leviticus?

11:59 - What makes Leviticus so tricky to understand?

17:35 - How do we make sense of impurity laws?

28:42 - Is the Day of Atonement really the centerpiece of understanding Leviticus and the Torah?

33:22 - How do we understand Leviticus in light of the New Testament?

37:24 - If Jesus fulfilled Leviticus, why should we even bother reading it?

40:32 - How do we extrapolate and practice the wisdom principles from the commands in Leviticus?

43:15 - What does abiding with Jesus in Scripture and prayer look like for you?

Year of Biblical Literacy | A Deep Dive on Leviticus with Dr. Jay Sklar
Jake Blair & Dr. Jay Sklar



Ghosts and Ancestors: Torah Stories sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | A Deep Dive on the Torah with Dr. Gary Schnittjer

For this episode, we interviewed Dr. Gary Schnittjer. Gary Edward Schnittjer (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is distinguished professor of Old Testament in the School of Divinity at Cairn University in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, and author of Old Testament Use of Old Testament (Zondervan Academic, 2021), Torah Story, 2nd edition (Zondervan Academic, 2023), and Old Testament Narrative Books: The Israel Story (B&H Academic, 2023).


8:20 - What were your initial impressions of the Bible and what changed?

11:44 - What made you want to pursue PhD work in the Old Testament?

16:10 - Why did you want to write a textbook on the Torah?

20:06 - What do you think people have to know about the Bible before reading it? How does the Torah fit into it?

26:36 - How exactly does the gospel begin in the Old Testament?

30:34 - How do we read Old Testament narratives?

38:18 - How do we think about the biblical laws?

40:09 - What have been helpful Bible reading practices and resources for you?

Year of Biblical Literacy | A Deep Dive on the Torah with Dr. Gary Schnittjer
Jake Blair & Dr. Gary Schnittjer



Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | Torah and The Story of Everything


2:35 - What does the word “Torah” mean and what’s its purpose?

7:45 - How do we read the Torah as a unit?

11:55 - Breaking down the Torah book by book

12:31 - How Genesis fits into Torah

13:32 - How Exodus fits into Torah

16:11 - How Leviticus fits into Torah

22:24 - How Numbers fits into Torah

26:40 - How Deuteronomy fits in Torah

30:52 - What are the main themes of the Torah and how does it point us to Jesus?

32:05 - Tool one: Biblical Theology

36:15 - Tool two: Typology

Year of Biblical Literacy | Torah and The Story of Everything
Jake Blair & Michael Bailey



Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | So What is the Old Testament About….Really?


1:40 - Why does the Old Testament even matter?

8:22 - Ok, but what is the Old Testament about?

10:48 - What about the Christian vs the Hebrew order of the Old Testament?

19:15 - What makes reading the Old Testament so difficult?

 28:25 - How do I start reading the Old Testament?

Year of Biblical Literacy | So What is the Old Testament About….Really?
Jake Blair & Michael Bailey



Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | So What’s the Bible About?


4:15 - Our one-sentence summary of what the Bible is about

6:22 - How do we understand that the Bible is written by both God and man?

12:00 - How exactly does all of the Bible point us to Jesus?

 21:00 - How do I get started when it comes to reading the Bible?

32:43 - What are good resources to get started reading the Bible?

Year of Biblical Literacy | So What’s the Bible About?
Jake Blair & Michael Bailey



Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Year of Biblical Literacy | What We’re Doing and Where We’re Going


1:20 - What makes this different from what we normally do? Why now?

4:20 - How will we be approaching Sundays this year?

9:20 - What can we expect regarding the supplemental resources for this year?

11:40 - With all these resources, where’s the best place to start?

14:20 - What are you most excited about for this year?

Year of Biblical Literacy | What We’re Doing and Where We’re Going
Jake Blair & Michael Bailey



Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Midtown Podcast | Final Q+A

During our Embodied series, we had over 70 questions texted in. To cover these questions more fully, we’re releasing a handful of extra podcast episodes to further equip you.


1:28 - How do you parent a child with gender identity questions or who experiences SSA?

16:58 - Are you living in sin if you don’t have sex as an older married couple?

19:44 - Why do people elevate sexual desires above all else? What desires should we have?

23:20 - Would you officiate a LGBTQIA+ wedding?

30:15 - How do we think through when churches deny a biblical sexual ethic?

37:13 - Are people who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community and saved Christians still a child of God?

41:18 - My workplace encourages using pronouns to introduce ourselves. As a Christian, how should I think about this?

46:44 - What do we mean when we refer to “culture”?

51:10 - If you were born to a single-parent does that mean you were born into sin and less worth saving?

Midtown Podcast | Final Q+A
Jake Blair & Jon Ludovina

Midtown Podcast | Marriage Q+A

During our Embodied series, we had over 70 questions texted in. To cover these questions more fully, we’re releasing a handful of extra podcast episodes to further equip you.


0:27 - When did it become a sin in the Bible to have multiple wives?

6:42 - Why does Paul say it’s better to be single if God says it’s not good to be alone?

13:02 - Where’s the hope for Christian singles?

21:10 - Is God’s design for marriage intended to be for one man and one woman?

Midtown Podcast | Marriage Q+A
Jake Blair & Jon Ludovina

Midtown Podcast | Gender Q+A

During our Embodied series, we had over 70 questions texted in. To cover these questions more fully, we’re releasing a handful of extra podcast episodes to further equip you.


4:40 - Does God have a gender?

10:05 - What does it look like for women to depend on men outside of marriage? 

17:35 - How do we address the wage gap?

22:36 - What does the Bible have to say about those who are intersex?

25:58 - If someone is on their death bed and accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior does it make a difference? What if they don’t believe their sexuality was a sin worth repenting of?

Midtown Podcast | Gender Q+A
Jake Blair & Jon Ludovina


Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Midtown Podcast | Body Q+A

During our Embodied series, we had over 70 questions texted in. To cover these questions more fully, we’re releasing a handful of extra podcast episodes to further equip you.

Disclaimer: Please use caution when listening as some of these questions cover heavier topics. To help, please view the timestamps below.


1:51 - Does God care what I do with my body (how I eat, sleep, etc)?

13:09 - Do the gender/sex arguments fall apart if Adam and Eve are not historical?

16:43 - Is there any theological significance between being buried versus being cremated?

21:15 - What does the Bible say about miscarriage?

26:12 - How do I know my body matters after multiple rapes?

Midtown Podcast | Body Q+A
Jake Blair & Jon Ludovina

Midtown Midweek | Money FAQs

For this special Midtown Midweek episode, we talk to Pastor Wes Butler to ask him all things finances. Those questions include:

  • As New Testament believers, do we have to tithe…really? (02:38)

  • Should I give off of my net or my gross? (05:38)

  • What’s the difference between good debt and bad debt? (07:22)

  • How early should I be planning/investing for retirement? (11:23)

  • How can I teach my kids about finances? (15:54)

  • What are practical ways you manage your finances? (18:27)

  • Are there any further resources you’d recommend? (22:32)

Midtown Midweek | Money FAQs
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Wes Butler

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight

Resource Spotlight

Follow us on our IG account for resources, local spotlights, and giveaways! (@midtownmidweek)

Closing song “This is Our God” by Melissa Fennell, check out more local music at Weird Tower Collective aaaaaand use the promo code MIDTOWNMIDWEEK for 10% off your order.