
WISDOM | Wisdom and Work | May 26



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Ant Frederick on May 26, 2024.

In this world, it often feels like we don’t have enough time in the day to do everything that we need to do.  This week, we’ll gain wisdom from the bible on the topics of productivity and rest.

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

WISDOM | Wisdom and Conflict | May 19



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Ant Frederick on May 19, 2024.

Last week, we discussed wisdom and friendships. This week, we discuss the inevitable outworking of that: conflict. What does the wisdom literature teach us about living in unity and handling confrontation?

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

WISDOM | Wisdom and Friendships | May 12



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Ant Frederick on May 12, 2024.

We’re living in what has been dubbed “the loneliness epidemic.” 60% of US adults report feeling lonely regularly, 15% of men and 10% of women report having no close friends, and 1/3 of both report only having two close friends or less.

This week, as we examine the wisdom literature, we will discuss what it means to be a good friend.

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

WISDOM | Wisdom and Sex | May 5



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Ant Frederick on May 5, 2024.

This week, we discuss Proverbs 5 and 7, one of the most comprehensive sections of scripture regarding the biblical vision for sex. It’s one of the few subjects that Solomon devotes extended airtime to in the book of Proverbs. What is its purpose? What does God intend for sex to accomplish? How are we to think about it?

For parents, as a reminder, Kidtown is available for 5th grade and under.

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

WISDOM | Wisdom and Wealth | April 28



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Ant Frederick on April 28, 2024.

The Bible is deeply aware of life's complexities and difficulties. This reality requires us to think well and wisely. Who we are and what we do shape the trajectory and person we become. Money is no exception. This week, we explore what the wisdom literature says about money.

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

WISDOM | Wisdom and Pride | April 21



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Ant Frederick on April 21, 2024.

This week, we discuss something that has the power to destroy your life and keep you from becoming a wise person: pride. Thankfully, the book of Proverbs offers us a framework to think about pride’s destructive nature and, ultimately, its solution.

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

WISDOM | Wisdom and Decision Making | April 14



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Jake Blair on April 14, 2024.

Last week we began exploring what it means to be a person of wisdom. This week we look at Proverbs 16:1-3 and ask ourselves, how exactly do we make wise decisions and what resources does God give us to become these sorts of people?

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

WISDOM | Wisdom and the Fear of the LORD | April 7



Year of

Biblical Literacy

Sermon by Ant Frederick on April 7, 2024.

How do we become people who build our lives on God’s wisdom rather than ruining them? How do we navigate life and all its complexities? How do we make sense of death and suffering? How about friendships, wealth, and decision-making? What about sex and marriage? 

These questions are where the Old Testament’s wisdom books come in. Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs depict how to navigate life’s complexity. Through poetry and narrative, the Bible shows us following Jesus is more than just acquiring knowledge. It’s about seeing reality the way God sees it and learning how to live within it—in short, it’s about becoming a person of wisdom.

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.