
How Long O Lord? | A Study of the Minor Prophet Habakkuk


The prophets are a diverse group of writings. They come from different periods, face different issues, and are written in different genres.

The book of Habakkuk, in particular, speaks to us on our journey to Christian maturity. It mirrors the moments we all encounter—when our understanding of God’s character seems at odds with our current circumstances, when we question God’s plans, and when injustice, both individually and collectively, seems to prevail.

When that happens, what do we do? How do we respond? How can we trust God is still in control of it all? We’ll spend the next four weeks in Habakkuk exploring these questions.

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

To help facilitate LifeGroup discussion, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series.

Week 1: How Long, O LORD?

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 2: How Can This Be?

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 3: The Cup That Is Coming

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 4: Wrestling Toward Maturity

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Check out our Year of Biblical Literacy site for more articles, podcasts, and book recommendations.



Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text "TWO NOTCH" followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.




In 62AD, we find the apostle Paul bound in prison and disconnected from his friends and church family. Yet during his imprisonment, he’s able to pen what is considered to be the most joyful book of the Bible - the letter to the Philippians.

In this 12-week series, we'll take a look at how our church family can become people of joy as we slowly transition back into “normal” life, and how our joy can be a witness to our city that Jesus is alive.


To help facilitate LifeGroup discussion, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series.

Week 1: Joy Defined

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 2: An Unstoppable Kingdom

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 3: Joy in Life or Death

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 4: Live as Citizens of the Gospel

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 5: The Humiliation & Exaltation Of Christ

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 6: Joy in our Perseverance

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 7: Gospel Friendships and Gospel Goodbyes

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 8: Delighting In The Surpassing Worth Of Christ

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 9: Pressing on to Maturity

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 10: Peace Over Anxiety

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 11: Rejoice In The Lord Always

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 12: The Power of Contentment

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)


As God’s people, we want to be guided by His Word and empowered by His Spirit to fuel us to be a Jesus-centered family on mission. This reading plan is designed to ground you in God’s Word to better prepare your heart for the teaching you’ll hear on Sundays.


As we launch new teaching series, we want to introduce new tools and practices that help you learn to be with Jesus and look more like Him.

For this series, we want to focus on a particular tool to help us learn to follow Jesus more closely. Given that the book of Philippians is one of the most joy-filled books in the Scriptures, our spiritual practice for this series is gratitude.


For those wanting to dive further into Philippians, we’d recommend the following videos, books, and commentaries:

Philippians: The NIV Application Commentary

Philippians: The NIV Application Commentary

Paul’s Letter to the Philippians by Gordon Fee

Paul’s Letter to the Philippians by Gordon Fee

Paul's Letter to the Philippians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary

Paul's Letter to the Philippians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary

The Other Half of Church by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks

The Other Half of Church by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks