Year of Biblical Literacy

How Long O Lord? | A Study of the Minor Prophet Habakkuk


The prophets are a diverse group of writings. They come from different periods, face different issues, and are written in different genres.

The book of Habakkuk, in particular, speaks to us on our journey to Christian maturity. It mirrors the moments we all encounter—when our understanding of God’s character seems at odds with our current circumstances, when we question God’s plans, and when injustice, both individually and collectively, seems to prevail.

When that happens, what do we do? How do we respond? How can we trust God is still in control of it all? We’ll spend the next four weeks in Habakkuk exploring these questions.

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

To help facilitate LifeGroup discussion, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series.

Week 1: How Long, O LORD?

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 2: How Can This Be?

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 3: The Cup That Is Coming

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 4: Wrestling Toward Maturity

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Check out our Year of Biblical Literacy site for more articles, podcasts, and book recommendations.



Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text "TWO NOTCH" followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Wisdom | How To Not Ruin Your Life


How do we become people who build our lives on God’s wisdom rather than ruining them? How do we navigate life and all its complexities? How do we make sense of death and suffering? How about friendships, wealth, and decision-making? What about sex and marriage? 

These questions are where the Old Testament’s wisdom books come in. Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs depict how to navigate life’s complexity. Through poetry and narrative, the Bible shows us following Jesus is more than just acquiring knowledge. It’s about seeing reality the way God sees it and learning how to live within it—in short, it’s about becoming a person of wisdom.

This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.

To help facilitate LifeGroup discussion, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series.

Week 1: Wisdom and the Fear of the LORD

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 2: Wisdom and Decision-Making

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 3: Wisdom and Pride

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 4: Wisdom and Wealth

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 5: Wisdom and Sex

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 6: Wisdom and Friendship

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 7: Wisdom and Conflict

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 8: Wisdom and Work

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 9: Baptism Sunday

(Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide)

Check out our Year of Biblical Literacy site for more articles, podcasts, and book recommendations.



Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text "TWO NOTCH" followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.